Earn Money to Sale your Ideas

Earn Money to Sale your Ideas


youZingit.com is a website for buying and selling ideas. Users will have complete confidentiality, along with resources to legally protect their ideas. For consumers, it is a way to get paid for their ideas. For companies, it will provide a breeding ground for revenue producing and/or cost saving ideas at a reasonable cost. These ideas will come from everyday consumers who serve as the “pulse” of the marketplace. There are two main user types: Idea Sellers and Idea Buyers.

Idea Sellers (consumers):

Idea Sellers will take advantage of resources provided by the site to document, organize, store and develop their ideas into “works” of value. Idea sellers may be ordinary, everyday people who wish to profit from their ideas, while helping companies to improve their products and services. Registration for Idea Sellers is free.

Idea Buyers (companies):

Idea Buyers will most often be companies in search of ideas that improve their existing products or services or ideas for new products or services. Idea Buyers view a public short description of an idea, then pay a small fee to view the entire idea which may consist of text, video, audio, photos or drawings. Ultimately they can purchase the rights to the ideas or “works” provided by the Idea Sellers. Additionally, Idea Buyers can submit an RFI – “Request for Ideas”, which will be distributed to all registered users. Idea Buyers will then have private access to all of the responses to their request. Registration for Idea Buyers is free.
Please provide your email and we will keep you posted on our launch date. (we will not share your email with anyone - please see Privacy Policy* below).